Launched during COVID in 2020, Your Mood Your Food is for home cooks looking for ways to get out of their recipe rut, expand and elevate their go-to everyday and entertaining menus.

We introduce you to three types of recipes—Simple to MakeEasy to Elevate, and Made to Impress—and provide real-kitchen insights uncovered while making these recipes.

Now you can pick a recipe to match your mood or motivation level AND also know exactly what you’re getting into in the kitchen before you dive into a new recipe.

You no longer need to spend time searching for new recipe ideas—we curate and test recipes for you.

We uncover the unwritten things you need to know about each recipe to save you time and frustration.

We try to take decent photos of the food. Be patient with us—we’re still learning.

We promise to show you our fails as well as our triumphs in the kitchen because things happen. Not every recipe goes as planned and we’re willing to show and tell you what went wrong just as much as what went right.


If you need something new that is Simple to Make, you’re in the right place. We offer tried-and-true, Simple to Make recipes that are sure crowd-pleasers you can make even on your busiest or lowest motivation days. Not gonna lie—sometimes our Simple to Make section may include a ready-made option for those days when you’re super stressed or just cannot recipe.

Looking for something that is Easy to Elevate? If you’re feeling a little more ambitious, our Easy to Elevate recipes offer a variation that is a step up from the ordinary in preparation or flavor profile but is still very achievable, even on a weeknight.

Trying to take your cooking game to a new level? Our Made to Impress options are for days when you want to put on your fancy pants, try a new or unusual flavor, or test your culinary abilities to create something out-of-the-ordinary. These recipes will challenge your skills (but still in an achievable way), introduce you to not-your-normal flavors or foods, and amaze your eaters.

Want to break out of your recipe rut? Sign up for our email list and let us help you expand and elevate your cooking life.

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